Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 154

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You can click on the campsites, portages, and lakes on the map to go to their respective pages. To see the portage on a fully interactive map, click on the "View on Interactive Map" link found below.
Approximate Length:
128m (26 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 5/28/2024 2:09:33 PM, Shane Semmler said:
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This portage no longer exists, if it ever did. I skipped it, paddled up the river, and found the next portage (on the map), on river right (i.e., the left side if your paddling up stream).
On 3/14/2023 11:31:09 AM, Riley Smith said:
Visit Date:

The maps were useless for this one. Our paper map had it marked similarly to this website, but the actual western portage landing is located across the river from where the eastern landing is marked on the map. From there, it travels east along the river. It took us close to 30 minutes to find the portage and only after some bushwhacking around did we find it. We even paddled up to the beaver pond to the north where the portage is marked but found nothing. The actual portage landing is on the south shore of the main channel and is no more than two feet wide. The area has some submerged rocks to watch out for. The trail is completely grown over, so watch your step.
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