Once again, Ben gets the fastest-website-administrator award for his ridiculously fast response times on Paddle Planner! I mean seriously - FreeRangeZombie reports the issue at 11:22:04 AM. Ben responds with an acknowledgement 10 minutes later. 17 minutes (and 1 second!) after the issue is reported, it is resolved. I'm telling you, you're are setting expectations way too high again Ben!
Great! Thanks for the quick fix
Correction - It should be working in Chrome and IE. Firefox is a completely different error. I'll have to try and figure that one out later.
Got it - it should work now. Thanks for pointing it out.
I see - it is the same for me. It probably has something to do with the update to the maps I had to make about a month ago. I'll work on it. In the meantime, you can write the trip report without selecting the lakes and add them in later.
Trying to write my first trip report. Using Chrome I am able to enter in overview Trip Info (title, EP, dates and basic description), but when I go to select lakes I zoom in but can't get the lakes to populate the list on the left via any amount of clicking that I've done so far. Tried it in Firefox and the map doesn't even show. Tried in IE and had same experience as Chrome. Am I doing something completely wrong or am I missing the easy step to add lakes to the trip report list?