Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Ram Solo 2024

By Ben Strege

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Ram Lake Entry Point
Ram Lake Entry Point
5/29/2024, 47.95475/-90.44246
Vista Lake Overview
Vista Lake Overview
5/29/2024, 47.99044/-90.48132
Rapids on Brule River
Rapids on Brule River
5/30/2024, 48.00657/-90.47362
Magical Place
Magical Place
6/1/2024, 47.99656/-90.574
Magical Place in the Cedars
Magical Place in the Cedars
6/1/2024, 47.99648/-90.57385
Magical Place in the Cedars
Magical Place in the Cedars
6/1/2024, 47.99656/-90.57411
Pond Downstream of Magical Place
Pond Downstream of Magical Place
6/1/2024, 47.99663/-90.57445
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