Good Tent Pads:
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A tight rock shelf landing. There aren't a lot of mature trees in camp and camp is mostly a rocky knob of uneven granite. In one sense the fire grate area is actually not half bad. There is flat ground in front and on the sides and there was a nice long sitting log. But, a mere 6 feet behind is a massive swamp/bog. A good flat tent pad is back away right on the lake shore and where is also an alternate landing but, I'd think that it would be too congested to serve that purpose because this is also THE primary tent pad. I suppose you could get another tent between there and the fire grate but, that too may cause a claustrophobic atmosphere. There is a high rise just behind camp that provides something of an overlook of the lake and also is a great spot to gather dead & downed firewood. We were able to set up out hammock here & caught fish just out from camp. In a way I want to rate this one higher (and think a small group would do ok here) but, realize that if you've got more than 3 people in your group you're not going to be at all happy with this site - so maybe that's where to draw the line in the sand?
Good Tent Pads:
Max Tent Pads:
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Dagobah's physical layout leaves something to be desired, but this site offers something far beyond what you can grace with your fingertips. Unless you're thinking of monster Northerns; my college mates- Larry, Scott and David slayed Northerns right from shore. I've never experienced so much splendor.
But yeah, no great tent pads and it's in a bog, but each site is what you make of it.
Good Tent Pads:
Max Tent Pads:
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Fair to poor and seldom used. Wet. Marginal access. Boggy and extremely compact. Great kitchen rock. Limited fishing from shore.