Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 401 (Missing Link to Tuscarora)

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Approximate Length:
1820m (362 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 5/29/2024 2:54:48 PM, batdan820 said:
Visit Date:

Tuscarora to Missing Link: This was a beast of a portage! We singled it, but had to take multiple breaks. The climb out of Tusc is a gasser, and then there are two more climbs. Plus the water was high, and it was raining, so the trail was a muddy mess. Lots of ankles breakers and deep mud holes; a hiking pole or walking stick to help stabilize (especially front/back packers) would be advisable. We also saw many signs of moose, so keep your head on a swivel. Everyone owes their canoe portage person an extra drink after this. No yoke is comfortable enough to walk away from this unscathed.
On 3/13/2023 7:37:33 PM, Riley Smith said:
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My group embraced the challenge of exiting via this portage. It was a busy day on Tuscarora with many campsites filling up, and my group decided they wanted to get the big portage out of the way so we would have an easier finish the next day. Unfortunately, only two members of the group (myself and one camper) were happily carrying our canoes at this point (they were all big, heavy aluminums.) At the start of this portage, I knew we would really be in for it if one of us had go all the way back to the start to grab another canoe, so we talked the others into rotating their way through the third canoe. I as the guide would blast on ahead and come back to relieve them as quickly as I could. I grabbed the 18 fter and took off. The portage climbs a gradual hill heading towards Missing Link with a couple overlooks and ridges along the way to add interest and scenery. About two thirds of the way across, a couple folks without packs, who I had seen heading the other way loaded earlier, caught up with me. They passed me, but them walking in front was enough to keep me motivated and I kept up with them to the landing. They were impressed I got through in one go with the aluminum (I was internally rolling my eyes since single portaging is practically expected for guides, but I was grateful for the recognition.) They grabbed their remaining packs and we walked and talked our way back through the portage. Eventually we caught my group and I swapped in under the canoe. I double checked everyone was doing well. The high school gal was still going strong under the canoe as she had been all week (this guide sure was proud of her toughness!) I wished them well and took off towards the landing again with the heavier of the two remaining aluminums. In due time, I reached the end, grabbed more water and turned back. After just under ten minutes of walking, I found my group again and played the roll of cheerleader with them from there till the end, helping folks take packs off when they needed a break. We finished the portage as a group from there. This portage is long, and definitely harder heading towards Missing Link, but I was proud of the determination my group showed.
On 1/23/2023 3:10:31 PM, Ken Orwoll said:
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The only good thing about this portage is the landings. Coming from the Tuscarora side it starts out steep and then a pretty steady climb. Once you reach the second highest point you think you got this when it starts going down hill, but then it climbs again almost all the way to the end.
On 9/22/2022 10:17:10 AM, eagle98mn said:
Visit Date:

This is the only portage I have crossed so far that I hope to never see again (and I've done the Grand Portage!). Granted, we did this after 3.12" of rain, so we pretty much got the worst it could throw at us, but there is a little bit of everything to hate on this one going from Tuscarora to Missing Link. Elevation gain? Check. Boulders to dodge? Check. Balance beam-wide planks? Check. Length? Check. Mud??? Absolutely. Every step of this portage was earned, and most of them were an adventure consisting of gingerly stepping into calf-knee high water and hoping to find solid footing. I'm sure its much better under normal conditions, but the endless water/mud pools over this beast of a portage made it play way longer than its already considerable length.
On 5/24/2020 3:46:08 PM, Aldy1 said:
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This portage sucks. Very hilly and rocky. Great landings on both sides is the only positive.
On 9/19/2017 1:48:00 PM, djwillco said:
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If it's been raining you should definitely plan on getting your feet wet and/or muddy. Otherwise, not too bad if you just take a couple breaks as needed!
On 9/11/2017 11:14:33 AM, tkohlhorst said:
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Coming from Missing Link to Tuscarora It is a long portage and it did get muddy in a few spots, but over all not a bad portage. We started out with this portage doing a loop back to Round Lake thinking we would get the hard part over with....we found this to be the easy portages over the multiple shorter portages back to round
On 4/12/2017 5:59:15 PM, jlindst3 said:
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For a portage that is over a mile, it is not that bad. Fairly well maintained, we say multiple folks portaging at the same time, including a group with all grey hair. Just keep plugging away and take a break or two, I thought I was probably 2/3 through when I made it to Missing Link.
On 8/9/2016 11:37:28 AM, BobberRob said:
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Yes, it is long. Yes, it is rocky. Yes, it is muddy. Yes, there are hills. As mentioned, Tusc to Missing Link is much more difficult. If you need a break there are plenty of places to set your canoe/pack down to get a breather. 5/5
On 8/9/2015 9:46:28 AM, TuscaroraBorealis said:
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The fabeled Tuscarora portage is long and has several elevation changes as well as a few potentially muddy sections. The climb out of Tuscarora Lake (if headed in that direction) is certainly the toughest section.
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Tuscarora landing
Tuscarora landing by TuscaroraBorealis
Tad Muddy
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