Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 478 (Muskeg to Kiskadinna)

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Approximate Length:
895m (178 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 1/24/2023 12:33:36 AM, Brad said:
Visit Date:

Our crew was traveling from Kiskadinna to Muskeg. The landings are both good. From Kiskadinna the trail starts out fairly level but soon starts some up and down. In the last 1/3rd is a big down hill section with long steps. Take care when heading down this section with canoes as it is easy to mis-step and loose your balance. Tough portage but if feels great when your done and paddling in Muskeg Lake.
On 2/23/2022 5:46:12 PM, TrailGuideT$ said:
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What a challenge! This portage crosses the Laurentian Divide which separates the Hudson Bay and Superior Watersheds. Whenever I took groups over this portage, we celebrated with Snickers or apples afterwards and the experience definitely deserves it.
On 8/12/2020 3:41:17 PM, Riley Smith said:
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This portage didn't disappoint. We had been anticipating this one all day and it gave us a good challenge for sure.
On 1/31/2020 1:23:55 PM, Chadd said:
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This portage is all up hill going West to East, creating quite a cardio work out. Muskeg is a beautiful lake, if I do this again I'd rather head into Muskeg than out :)
On 6/27/2019 10:09:22 AM, Crystal Magiera said:
Visit Date:

We came from Kiskadinna, heading to Muskeg. Thought we were in for a brutal portage, but realized we would be heading downhill instead. Wasn't too bad at all in my opinion. If we were to go the opposite direction, it would have been a doozy though. Our outfitter said that this is where the continental divide is.
On 3/21/2016 1:22:20 AM, Woodstripper said:
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"Stairway to Heaven". Truly a grind up the steep section. But footing was good and solid with no ankle-twisters. Just plodding one step at a time all the way up the Wall.
On 1/4/2015 7:34:01 PM, rertel said:
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We were headed toward Muskeg, so went down the steep hill that makes this portage famous. Going up would have been truly brutal.
On 1/3/2015 9:04:31 PM, Ken Orwoll said:
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At the half way point on the trail there is a steep cliff. You climb rock steps to the top. This is known as the WALL. The rest is all level
On 9/8/2014 9:05:34 PM, syogod said:
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Absolutely brutal portage. Extremely steep (downhill going west) about halfway through. Be careful!
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