Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 66 (Fay to Flying)

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Approximate Length:
437m (87 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 5/29/2024 1:14:46 PM, batdan820 said:
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From Flying to Fay: This portage is relatively hidden/not obvious. The take out is just north of the beaver dam at the mouth leading into the marsh area. NOTE: The marsh outline on PP and McK maps may not match the current marsh water level. To get around the dam, follow the overgrown trail NW up the hill, then turn back south toward the north shore of the marsh. The marsh water was VERY high due to recent reasons, and the trail was submerged. If this is the case, float/line the boat along the shore of the marsh until the water trail dead ends. Then take out again and head NW (the path of travel will match the bearing shown on the map) up the hill, then follow the creek down to a small waterway/inlet that empties into Fay.
On 6/13/2022 2:01:51 PM, Ben Strege said:
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As of 2022, this portage is very hard to find and has essentially gone back to nature. It has been taken out of the routing since the usual route to get to Fay is through Bingshick and Glee. If the USFS starts maintaining the portage again, please let us know.
On 7/24/2021 9:02:55 PM, Melrose987 said:
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To start off we were traveling from Fay to Flying. This portage was hard to find and not near where it's located on maps... When you get to the East end of Fay lake, you have to continue down the small waterway that looks like a creek/inlet... You'll see the portage from there... It seems like a typical portage to start, but be cautious that it splits partway up the trail whether you're going to Bingshick to Flying Lake. To head to Flying, turn right. The path gets a bit harder and less traveled, but continue on. You'll finally get to a swampy part, but continue following the path that looks trampled until it looks like you can't go any farther (muddy along a swampy shoreline). Once you don't think you can go anymore, look up the hill for the path that goes around the last swampy beaver damn area... To be honest this is my least favorite portage I've ever done, and I've done some doozies!
On 9/19/2020 12:20:03 AM, MNGreene said:
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Agree that it is hard to find and it looks like most people take the northern loop to get to Fay Lake
On 6/16/2020 8:32:55 PM, sthayer said:
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We tried to find this one from Flying Lake and were unsuccessful. We looked for about 30 minutes, but couldn't find it. Reading the other comment, it looks like we were in the right place, but didn't push into the swamp to find the dry start of the portage heading NW to Fly lake.
On 6/11/2017 1:37:16 PM, OregonDave said:
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Took this portage by mistake since we missed the one south from the channel to Flying Lake (ending up in Fay Lake)...Some elevation and tricky footing...the end of this portage requires wading and push/pull canoe through waterlogged area for some 100 meters or so before you get to the lake...stay along the left side doing so.
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