Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

BWCA Portage 705 (Triangle to Kawishiwi River)

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Approximate Length:
983m (196 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 5/16/2024 10:34:47 PM, Bentpushrod said:
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Rocky, a bit muddy, and fairly long. Had some downed trees blocking the trail that I had to clear.
On 3/2/2019 12:48:34 PM, Riley Smith said:
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This portage is near an entry so it gets more maintenance than most. Relatively flat with small hills on the ends. Not too bad. I was having issues with a yoke pad coming loose on this one though, which made it worse than it had to be.
On 8/29/2018 12:42:30 PM, BobberRob said:
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This portage is completely manageable. Granted, a lot of rain could make this worse. It did seem to climb more going from the river to Triangle Lake, but generally it is flat. There is good footing over the entire portage and the trail is plenty wide. Distance is on the longer side, but not bad. 3 newbies were able to single portage this no worse for wear. 3/5
On 8/14/2016 10:18:12 AM, debsimpson said:
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This thing is a BEAST!! We are experienced, fit hikers/backpackers from Wyoming and this was really awful. As the reviewer before me said it is uphill on both ends, peaks in the middle and comes back down. It is muddy, mucky and the worst mosquitos of the trip were on this stretch. The downed tree has been removed and the trail was clear when we went through. But it is rocky in spots and fairly narrow. Honestly it is probably worth avoiding EP 29 because of this portage if possible. BUT if this is your only option, suck it up buttercup! It's worth it once you get into the Kawish. My advice if you are doing this portage, especially on entry, PACK LIGHT!! You don't want to drag heavy packs back and forth over this. If you are a good ultralight packer, you'll be fine. If you're dragging 80 lb. packs plus canoes over this, you'll regret it.
On 8/8/2016 1:34:43 PM, innovater1 said:
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This is a horrible portage. We came in at point 29. A couple of tiny portages, then this one. Grown over, rocky, up hill...both ways! The blown over tree at the top is about 12 way. Huge root bundle about 6 feet high right beside the trail. Biting flies everywhere! Mosquito haven! This was truly the worst portage of the week......probably of the 5 times I have been to the BWCA. Not the longest, but the worst. I have been on several longer portages, but not worse than this one. Once you conquer this one, the rest of your trip will be great! Hopefully you're not coming out at 29.....this is a bad ending for a good week trip.
On 6/3/2014 7:08:59 AM, Bradford said:
Visit Date:

Rocky, steep and seldom used it seems so you might find downed trees across the trail. Bring a saw to cut them out.
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