Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Trip Report Comments

On 8/18/2024 11:14:54 AM, fcpiii said:
Interesting. We did same trip ( but down Jean Creek then Bentpine) you did in mid July this year. We got through Trail marsh without incident but the path was very narrow. Portages on Bentpine creek were awful and appeared to be rarely used. Someone had chainsawed a large tree blocking the first portage but not trees on others. WARNING No campsites were seen from Bentpine to Your Lake. Fortunately we quit early tgat day in Bentpine. Would not want to get caught in burned out area at dark
On 8/19/2024 9:59:00 AM, bobrowicz said:
We confirmed the campsite on Trail Lake immediately north of the portage from March but it was so-so, and we wanted to get some miles behind us after turning back from Trail Creek.
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