Interactive Map - General Instructions

Loading the Map

When the map is loading, a spinning icon will appear on the left of the map. When the data is finished loading, the spinning icon will disappear, the data will appear on the map. You can still use the map while the data is loading. However, checking or unchecking any of the boxes under "Map Legend & Options" while the data is loading may cause unintended effects on the map and cause it to function incorrectly. If you accidently do this, just refresh the page and wait for the map data to load before using any of those options.

Campsites and portages do not appear until you zoom in. This helps the map function more smoothly. Data loads "on demand" - it is not loaded until you are viewing the area. If you would like to load all of the data at once (this requires a lot of memory), check the "Load All Data on Startup" option found under "Map Legend & Options."

Buttons Above Map

Click on the buttons above the map to access the various options and information. Clicking on a button will show the information. Clicking on the same button will hide it again. Clicking a different button will hide whatever is showing and display the new information. Also, each information "section" has a "Hide" button in the upper right corner that will hide the information.

Zoom In/Out

To zoom in and out, use can use the buttons in the upper left of the map or your mouse wheel (if you have one).

Full Screen View

To make the map fill your browser, click the "Full Screen" button in the top left corner of the map Full Screen Icon. To return to the normal view, click on the icon again (which has changed to Exit Full Screen Icon). Most browsers also have a full screen view, so you can make the interactive map fill your entire screen, not just the browser. You can enter full screen mode on most browsers by pressing F11.


The map defaults to a satellite view with labels. To change the base layer, hover over the layers icon Layers Icon in the upper right corner of the map. Click on the appropriate layer to display.

Overview Map

In the lower right corner of the map, a mini overview map is shown. This map is zoomed out a few levels from the main map and shows an outline of the area you are currently viewing. To collapse the overview map so it is not shown, press the collapse icon Toggle Icon.