Interactive Map - RouteFinder - Maximum Distance

Instead of finding the time or distance from location to another, you can also find the maximum distance you can go given a starting point and a maximum time/distance you want to travel.

Add one location to the Route Finder list. If there are multiple locations in the list, it will calculate from the first listed one. To the right of the destination list and below the "Find Route " button, type in the maximum time or distance you want to calculate, and press "Find." When it is done calculating, the locations you can reach within the given time/distance limits will be highlighted.

Changing the Route Finder settings will affect this calculation as well as the regular Route Finder.

You can hide or show the highlighted area by using the "Show/Hide Route Area" button. You can change what color the highlighting is by using the dropdown box next to the "Show/Hide Route Area" button.

The calculation takes more resources and more time than a regular Route Finder calculation, so limits are placed on the tool's time and distance. Free accounts can plot up to 4 hours or 12 miles. Paid accounts can plot up to 8 hours or 24 miles. When using the tool, you need to be patient as the calculation can take a long time, especially if it is trying to plot over 4 hours. Though it should be rare, if the calculation takes over 5 minutes, it will give an error and stop.