Interactive Map - RouteFinder - Settings

Settings Values

Minimize - You can minimize either the time or the distance. The default is time.
Distance Units - This is how the distance is reported back to you. Several options are available. The default is miles.
Portage Trips - How many trips do you need to make on a portage? If you double portage, choose 2 (which is the default). If you single portage, choose 1. The ".5" entries are if you make "half" portages. For example, if there are two people and three packs, one person goes all the way with one pack while the other drops one off half way. The person that went all the way goes back and gets the pack that was dropped off while the other gets the last pack. This is called doing a portage-and-a-half and is represented by "1.5" in the list.
Port. Load Minutes - How many minutes do you spend loading and unloading at portages? This is the time spent not moving on the trail or on the water. The default is 10 minutes.
Speed Units - These are the units for the paddling and portaging speed. By default, this is in miles per hour. You can change this to kilometers per hour.
Paddle Speed - How fast do you paddle? By default, this is 3 MPH. This will vary from paddler to paddler, though, so you modify this to match your own paddling speed.
Portage Speed - How fast do you walk on portages? This has to be an average speed. For example, if you make more than one trip, average your speed while carrying a pack and while not.
Calc Accuracy vs. Speed - Some route calculations, especially those over long distances, can take a long time. You can set it so it calculates faster. However, by doing this, the accuracy of the calculation may suffer (may not take the shortest route, may make some weird turns on a lake, etc.). If you just want the general idea of the route and don't need it exact, you can use the slider to adjust the calculation speed. By default, the calculation is set to accuracy instead of speed.
Avoid Portages - You may want to avoid portages while on your route. With this setting you can adjust how far out of your way you are willing to go to avoid portaging.

Saving Settings

You can save the settings as your default by pressing "Save Settings." Press "Reset Settings" to set your defaults back to the original values.