Interactive Map - RouteFinder - Tips

  • If the route is too long or complicated, the calculation will return an error. This is automatically reported. If you want to calculate a long route (such as one end of the BWCA to the other), you must specify some intermediate points along the way. This will help the program know which direction to go.
  • If a location you have chosen is not connected to the "network," the RouteFinder will show that it is zero distance and zero time. This error is automatically reported. Note - hiking campsites do not have any RouteFinder information connected to them, so they will always return a zero distance.
  • To make a route calculate faster, you can either use the "Calc Accuracy vs. Speed" setting (sacrificing accruracy for speed) or specify intermediate points. If you know that you have to take a portage, add it to the RouteFinder. Every point included greatly decreases the time needed to calculate the route. If the route is short and/or simple (i.e. pretty much a straight line with no bends or curves), doing this is probably not necessary as the calculation should be very fast.
  • Remember, the RouteFinder feature is for entertainment purposes only. Actual paddle and portage time depends on many different things. Be prepared.